It's time to pray with passion and purpose-because your prayers MATTER.

**This is a digital Bible study**

Regular Price: $47

Start Praying with Victory Today!

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Are you tired of living in a constant state of defeat in your prayer life?

You’ve tried praying, but your life still feels out of control.

Have you ever said to yourself...

  • “I want to pray consistently, but I just can’t find the time.”
  • “I’m tired of feeling defeated and drained by life’s circumstances!”
  • “I feel distant from God and like my situation will never change.”

I know how you feel!

Sometimes life is just plain tough.

In the school of hard-knocks, we need the spiritual strength and stamina to endure life’s challenges.

And this is possible through the power of prayer.

Are you ready to pray with passion and power?


**This is a digital Bible study**

Regular Price: $47

Today's Price: $19

Special Offer Ends In...


Praying with Victory is a strategic prayer system designed to help you cover every area of your life in powerful prayer!

This 6-week Bible study and prayer journaling kit dives deeply into how to pray from a place of victory using the Armor of God.

No more guilt or guess-work when it comes to cultivating a powerful prayer life!

Praying with Victory will ignite your prayer life and empower you to…

  • Cultivate a consistent and vibrant prayer life.
  • Use Scripture to create power-packed prayers.
  • Create a strategic Prayer Battle Plan to pray with power and purpose.
  • STOP living in frustration and start living in FREEDOM in your prayer life.

Are you Ready to Pray with Victory?

  • It’s time to stop the vicious cycle of defeat and walk in spiritual victory!
  • Transform your difficult situations into strategic opportunities to approach God’s throne with confidence!

Download and print over 125 pages of printable prayer resources designed to ignite your prayer life!

Here's what's Inside:

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Weekly Battle Prayer Plan Sheets

These weekly Battle Prayer Plans will help you pray for the most important areas of your life.

Formulate a weekly plan for your prayers, along with a list of Scriptures to pray so that you can…

  • Organize your prayers with ease.
  • Effectively pray for yourself, your loved ones, and the people in your community.
  • Easily find Scriptures to pray for specific areas of your life!

7 Teaching Videos

Dive into weekly video teachings on how to use the Armor of God to formulate powerful prayers in your life!

Here's what you'll learn each week:

Week 1: The Belt of Truth--Learn how to renew your mind with the TRUTH of God's Word. In this lesson you will better grasp how the truth of Scripture will help you live victoriously each day!

Week 2: The Breastplate of Righteousness--Discover in this lesson how the righteousness of Christ is your protection and strength! You will also have a greater understanding of how to clothe yourself in the righteousness of Christ.

Week 3: The Shoes of Peace--Allow the peace of God to fill your heart each day! This video lesson discusses how the peace of Christ gives you comfort, hope, and strength that will soothe your heart and calm your soul!

Week 4: The Shield of Faith--Did you know that the shield of God's presence is with you? This lesson dives into how God surrounds you with his favor and protection through the shield of faith!

Week 5: The Helmet of Salvation--What a gift and joy it is to know that our salvation through Jesus is secure! In this lesson we discuss how to help others find their hope and salvation in Christ alone.

Week 6: The Sword of the Spirit--The Sword of the Spirit is the only offensive weapon in the armor of God passage in Ephesians 6:1-10. This lesson teaches you how to use the truth of God's Word to combat the lies of the enemy so that you can walk in true victory in Christ!

Bonus Teaching Video: In this bonus video lesson, you will grasp how to pray God's Word and authority! This workshop discusses four major components to praying God's Word effectively each day!

Please note: This is a digital product. No physical items will be mailed to you.

Weekly Bible Study Worksheets

Saturate your mind with God’s Word! 

The Praying with Victory Bible Study and Prayer Journaling Kit includes over 125 pages of Bible study worksheets on each piece of the Armor of God.

These Bible study worksheets will help you…

  • Investigate God’s Word, seek his truth, and apply biblical principles to your life.
  • Understand the strength and power you have through God’s Word to pray effectively.
  • Renew your mind with God’s Word and learn to pray based on the truth of Scripture.

**This is a digital Bible study**

Printable Prayer Journals

These beautiful prayer pages will give you the space you need to write out your prayers with power and passion!

Use all the space you need to…

  • Write your thoughts and prayers to God.
  • Pour out your heart to God and sort through your thoughts and emotions.
  • Focus on God’s promises that encourage your heart and bless your soul.

You can also use these prayer journals to intercede for your loved ones!

  • Each prayer journal includes prayer pages for family members (prayer journals for yourself, your children, husband)
  • Each prayer journal includes encouraging Scriptures to pray for your family with power!
  • The prayer journals also come with a set of floral Scripture cards to remind yourself to pray for your family with passion each day!

Scripture Reading Plans

Each week of the Bible study comes with a Scripture reading plan based on the Armor of God to use as your prayer arsenal every week!

These Scripture reading plans will equip you to…

  • Reflect on each piece of the Armor of God and pray according to the truth of those Scriptures.
  • Record Scriptures related to faith, righteousness, truth, and peace in your prayer journal to strengthen you each day.
  • Recall the Scriptures you have written down to rejuvenate your spirit!

Beautiful Bible Journaling Stickers

Who said prayer couldn't be powerful AND pretty?

Use these amazing Bible journaling stickers to create beautiful prayer pages to pray with confidence and creativity!

These Bible journaling stickers include:

  • 1 page of Bible margin strips (can also be used as bookmarks!)
  • 6 pages of printable sticker elements and washi tape.

Stunning Scripture Cards

Use the Praying with Victory Scripture Cards to pray God’s Word and encourage your soul!

  • Keep these Scripture Cards in your Bible, or send them in the mail to a friend you are praying for.
  • These beautiful Scripture cards will remind you each day to rest in the promises of God!

Start Praying with Power Today!

Here's what you get!

The digital Praying with Victory Bible Study and Prayer Journaling Kit includes:

  • Weekly Battle Prayer Plan Sheets
  • 7 Teaching Videos
  • 125+ Pages of Bible Study Worksheets
  • Printable Prayer Pages
  • 13 Scripture Reading Plans
  • 7 Pages of Bible Journaling Stickers
  • 36 Stunning Scripture Cards
  • 4 Family Prayer Journals (in two different designs)
  • BONUS #1: The Ultimate Prayer Binder ($15 value)
  • BONUS #2: The Praying with Victory Faith Planner ($10 value)
  • BONUS #3 Armor of God Coloring Prayer Journal ($7 value)

Total Value: $79

Regular Price: $47

Today's Price: $19

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Please Note: This is a digital download. No physical product will be shipped to you.

Take A Peek Inside!

You might be wondering...

There are TONS of Bible Studies out there on prayer.

How is Praying with Victory different?

Great Question!

What makes Praying with Victory unique is that it is a Bible study AND prayer journaling kit combined into one power-packed resource.

But it even goes a step further to provide a SYSTEM for how to pray strategic and specific prayers using the Word of God.

What is a strategic prayer system?

The word “strategy” is defined as “a plan of action designed to achieve a major goal or aim.” 

The aim of the Praying with Victory Bible study is to give you with the tools and resources you need to create a plan of action for your prayer life--because it is an essential part of walking in true victory and freedom in Christ!

Praying with Victory equips you to plan your prayers and stand firm against the enemy using your best offensive weapon--

The Word of God.

Here's how it's done:

Step 1: Daily Declarations

Did you know that your words have power? Proverbs 18:21 says that the tongue has the power of life and death.

What we speak aloud to ourselves matters.

In the Daily Declarations section of the Bible study, get ready to...

  • Speak words of LIFE over yourself, your family, and your circumstances rather than poisonous words of negative self-talk.
  • Declare the powerful truths from Scripture to encourage your soul each day!

Step 2: Read and Reflect

This is where we get into the meat of the Word and focus on key Scripture passages based on the Armor of God for that week.

  • Use the reflections and notes section to dig deeper into your understanding of God’s Word!
  • Write down your key thoughts and observations about the passage.

Step 3: Praise and Pray

This is where you respond to God’s Word through prayer and praise!

Praise is a powerful weapon of warfare!

  • Praising God for who he is, even in the midst of difficult circumstances is a powerful way to live in victory every day.
  • Learn to praise God in response to what he has revealed to you in Scripture--and then pray with power!

Step 4: Intersession for Others

Pray powerful prayers for your loved ones, and for the people God has placed in your life.

  • Intercession means to stand in the gap on behalf of another person through prayer.
  • This is a powerful action that will strengthen your heart and flood your soul with love and compassion for those around you!

Step 5: Weekly Battle Prayer Plan

Pray for the most important areas in your life each week!

The Weekly Battle Prayer Plan includes a weekly prayer calendar so you can powerfully...

  • Pray for your family
  • Pray for your health
  • Pray for your finances
  • Pray for your work and education
  • Pray for your spiritual growth
  • Pray for your friendships
  • Pray for your church and community

And Check Out these Amazing Bonuses!

When you purchase the Praying with Victory Bible study and Prayer Journaling Kit, you also have access these amazing bonuses!

Bonus #1: The Ultimate Prayer Binder ($15 value)

This gorgeous prayer binder includes...

  • Over 40 prayer journaling pages to pray for your goals, dreams, and visions for your life.
  • 13 Beautiful Bible journaling stickers pages to glam-up your prayer journal and Bible!
  • Uniquely designed divider pages to pray for specific areas of your life.

Bonus #2: The Praying with Victory Faith Planner ($10 value)

The Praying with Victory Faith Planner will help you streamline and organize your prayers using undated monthly and weekly planning sheets!

With this faith planner you'll be able to:

  • Easily keep track of all of your prayers on a monthly calendar spread.
  • Record specific prayer requests on the weekly calendar pages.
  • Write down your favorite Scriptures to guide your prayers!

Bonus #3: Armor of God Coloring Prayer Journal ($7 value)

Pray and relax your mind through the therapeutic activity of coloring!

These coloring prayer journal pages include Armor of God Scriptures that you can pray and ponder as you color!

With this Armor of God Coloring book you'll love:

  • Focusing on Scriptures that will deepen your prayer life.
  • Creating beautiful coloring pages you can print and reuse over and over again!
  • Refresh your heart and soul through the relaxing activity of coloring.

**This is a digital Bible study**

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Please note: This is a digital product. No physical items will be mailed to you.

Start Praying Powerful an Effective Prayers Today!

The Praying with Victory Bible Study and Prayer Journaling Kit Includes:

  • Weekly Battle Prayer Plan Pages--So you can plan your prayers with ease and confidence!
  • 7 Teaching Videos--Dive into Scripture and understand the power of praying the Word of God!
  • 125+ Weekly Bible Study Worksheets--So you can reflect on God's Word and live with more peace and victory!
  • 4 Printable Prayer Journals--Enjoy spending time with God each day through your written prayers!
  • 13 Scripture Reading Plans--So you can easily find the Scriptures you need to pray with power!
  • 7 Bible Journaling Pages--Use your creativity to enjoy your prayer time!
  • 36 Stunning Scripture Cards--Quickly find Scriptures to pray when you need to encourage your heart with God's Word!

Jumpstart Each Day with Powerful Prayers!

Each day is...

  • A new beginning to walk in freedom.
  • A new opportunity to rest in the presence of God.
  • A chance to gain the strength you need to conquer each day with victory

The enemy wants you to feel defeated and STUCK in your prayer life.

But the TRUTH is…

  • You already have the victory in Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:57)
  • You already have everything you need to live an abundant life. (2 Peter 1:3)
  • You are already part of a royal priesthood. (1 Peter 2:9)
  • Your prayers are already powerful and effective. (James 5:16)

Now it’s time to walk. in. it.

The Praying with Victory Bible study helps you do just that.

Reclaim your prayer life TODAY!

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Ignite your Prayer Life Today for a Better Tomorrow.

I’m the blogger behind Garments of Splendor, where I am passionate about helping women discover their true identity, freedom, and beauty through the splendor of Christ.

I create Bible study and prayer resources designed to equip women to walk in their freedom in Christ. 

And that includes you!

I am a former elementary teacher and Sunday school curriculum writer, and the wife of an amazing husband and mama to four awesome kiddos!

My blog was birthed five years ago from my own prayer journal--

where God spoke powerful messages to me about my worth and value--how we as believers are clothed in the beauty and splendor of Christ.

The theme of Garments of Splendor is based on this Scripture:

Awake, awake, Zion, clothe yourself with strength! Put on your garments of splendor, Jerusalem, the holy city. Isaiah 52:1

When I discovered this Scripture, God opened my eyes to the powerful truth that we are clothed in the strength, dignity, and brilliant splendor of our Savior!

  • Instead of cloaks of shame, we are clothed in garments of confidence.
  • Instead of clothing of mourning, we are clothed in garments of praise.
  • Instead of robes of despair, we are clothed in garments of joy.
  • And instead of wardrobes of defeat, we are clothed in the victorious Armor of God!

So are you ready to clothe yourself with Christ and walk in true victory through your prayers?

Let’s DO THIS.

Life is too short to waste a single moment wallowing in defeat.

We already have the victory through Christ!

Pray with power and confidence today!

With this step-by-step prayer system, you'll experience joy and renewed peace through your prayers!

Here's what you'll love about Praying with Victory:

  • Step-by-step video lessons that teach you how to pray God's Word with power and purpose.
  • A powerful prayer strategy to help you organize your prayers with ease.
  • Beautiful prayer and Bible study pages to encourage your soul and give your prayers momentum!

Praying with Victory is packed with...


These videos are filled with Biblical teachings and Scriptures to help you understand each piece of the Armor of God, and how to apply them to your prayer life!


These Bible study printables are great, because you can use them over and over again. It's not a consumable resource like a traditional book study. You can print the Bible study pages as many times as you desire!


Bible journaling printables are so fun to use! Just print them on sticker paper, and enjoy praying with creativity! Create beautiful prayer journaling pages in minutes!


Use these journals to pray for your family with power! These uniquely designed prayer journals will help you write down Scriptures, prayer requests, and individual prayers for yourself and your family!

Who is Praying with Victory for?

You'll LOVE this resource if:

  • You are ready to take your prayer life to the next level.
  • You desire to connect with God through your prayers.
  • You are ready to study God's Word with purpose and passion.
  • You have a printer to print all of the prayer resources.

This resource is NOT for you if:

  • You DO NOT have a printer. These resources are DIGITAL printables, so you will need to print them from a desktop computer. You also need to be willing to compile the pages into a binder of your choice.
  • You DO NOT want a self-paced Bible study in a course platform. The prayer resources and Bible study worksheets are housed on a course platform where you can watch the teaching videos and download the printables. You need to login to the course platform to access all of the printables and bonuses.

Here's what others are saying About Praying with Victory!

Please note: This is a digital product. No physical items will be mailed to you.

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Have Questions? No Problem!

  • How long do I have access to the Bible study?

Once you purchase the Praying with Victory Bible Study and Prayer Journaling Kit, you have lifetime access to the Bible study resources, videos and bonuses!

  • Will the Bible Study and Prayer Journaling Kit be sent to me in the mail?

No, this is a DIGITAL product, so ALL of the printable resources are downloadable PDFs that will need to be printed from a printer. All of the videos are instantly accessible in the course platform when you login!

  • How will I get the Bible Study and Prayer Journaling Kit after I purchase?

Once you purchase Praying with Victory, you will receive an email confirming your purchase. Once you click on the email you will be able to create an account and login to the course platform and get started right away!

  • How long does it take to go through the Bible study?

This is a self-paced Bible study, so you can take as long as you need to complete the lessons. I recommend studying one lesson per week. Each week is broken into 5-day sections.

  • How do I put the Bible study worksheets together?

All you really need to put the Bible study worksheets together is a three-ring binder of your choice! I do recommend that you put the Weekly Battle Plan pages, the faith planner pages, and the prayer journal pages in separate binders.

  • What if I have a question during the Bible study?

If you have any questions, you can always message me in the comments section within the course platform, or send me an email!

  • I don't have a printer. Should I still purchase this Bible study?

Since this is a digital Bible study, all of the Bible study and prayer pages are downloadable, and you WILL need a printer to print the materials. If you do not have a printer at your home, you could ask a friend or relative to print them for you!

  • What's included in the Praying with Victory Bible Study and Prayer Journaling Kit?

You will receive:

  • The Praying with Victory Bible Study Worksheets
  • The Weekly Battle Prayer Plan Sheets
  • 7 Beautiful Bible Journaling Printables
  • 13 Scripture Reading Plans
  • 7 Teaching Videos on Praying God's Word through the Armor of God
  • 4 Printable Prayer Journals
  • 36 Floral Scripture Cards


  • Bonus #1: The Ultimate Prayer Binder ($15 value)
  • Bonus #2: The Praying with Victory Faith Planner ($10 value)
  • Bonus #3: Armor of God Coloring Prayer Journal ($7 value)


I am committed to creating the most helpful prayer resources to jumpstart your prayer life and deepen your relationship with God! If however, this resource is not a good fit for you, you can request a refund within 7 days of your purchase.

Now is your time!

You deserve a prayer life that you LOVE.

One more time, here's EVERYTHING you get when you purchase the Praying with Victory Bible Study and Prayer Journaling Kit!

  • 7 Video Teachings--Grasp solid biblical teachings and be empowered in your prayer life!
  • 125+ Bible Study Worksheets--Use these stunning Bible study pages to dive deeper into God's Word!
  • Weekly Battle Prayer Plan--Use these pages to write down your prayer requests and praises, and use Scripture to pray each day of the week!
  • 13 Scripture Reading Plans--These Scripture reading plans can be used to pray for specific prayer requests, or to read each day for strength and encouragement!
  • 36 Printable Scripture Cards--Use these beautiful Scripture cards to remind you of the truth of God's promises!
  • 7 Bible Journaling Stickers--Pray with confidence and creativity using Bible journaling stickers!
  • BONUS #1: The Ultimate Prayer Binder--Over 40 beautifully designed prayer journal pages and journaling stickers!
  • BONUS #2: The Praying with Victory Faith Planner--Use this planner to write down your prayer requests and praises for your family, friends, and community!
  • BONUS #3: Armor of God Coloring Book--Focus on the truth of Scripture as you color and pray!

Total Value: $79

Regular Price: $47

Today's price: $19

Please note: This is a digital product. No physical items will be mailed to you.

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© 2021 Garments of Splendor Privacy Policy - Lifestyle product photos by Erica Canant Photography